Online Tee Time Information
Both members and non-members can use the Gladstone Golf Club Online Tee Time option. All users must create an account that requires an Email Address.
– Gladstone Golf Club Members must visit: Members Tee Times page
– Non-members must use the: Public Tee Times page
How to Make an Online Tee Time
Tee times can be made 7 days in advance.
Select the date you are interested in on the calendar (take care to get the correct date).
The available tee times for that day and cost per-person (members tee time is $0.00) will be displayed by Tee Time.
Select the Tee Time you would like by clicking ‘Book Now’.
Select the Number of players (1-4).
Select the number of holes (9 or 18).
The screen will refresh and give you total cost information, service description, and Terms & Conditions.
PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION and select ‘I agree’ box.
If you agree to the Terms & Conditions;
Click on the ‘Create Account’ button.
The screen will refresh – The Tee Time, Date, and Total Cost information will be displayed on the left side.
Enter required Information on the right side.
Click on the ‘Reserve the Reservation’ button.
The screen will refresh summarizing the Tee Time, date and cost.
Review all information and if it is correct select confirm reservation. The screen will refresh and give you a confirmation number and summery.
You will also receive an email at the email address on your account with the tee time information. You may forward this email to you playing partners.
When making future tee times you just log in with your user ID (email address) and password.
Call the Pro-Shop at 906-428-9646 with questions or issues.